[ Tips ] 一分鐘使用導覽
商品編號: S23022 出版日期: 2023/03/01 作者姓名: Farahany, Nita A. 商品類別: Other 商品規格: 再版日期: 地域: 產業: 個案年度: -
The era of brain surveillance has begun. Although neuroscientists wrote off earlier iterations of neurotech devices as little better than toys, both the hardware and the software have improved dramatically, and neurotechnology has become more accurate and harder to dismiss. Today, the global market for neurotech is growing at a compound annual rate of 12% and is expected to reach $21 billion by 2026. This is not a fad. It''s a new way of living and thinking about ourselves and our well-being-personally and professionally. In this article, the author provides an overview of the neurotechnology landscape and offers guidance on how companies should balance the risks and benefits of using neurotech devices in the workplace.
Business ethics;Managing employees;AI and machine learning