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商品編號: R00310 出版日期: 2000/05/01 作者姓名: Shapiro, Carl 商品類別: Business & Government Relations 商品規格: 5p 再版日期: 地域: 產業: 個案年度: -
The e-commerce explosion is turning the Internet, once a freewheeling medium of individual expression, into a sphere of intense corporate activity. Companies are shaping cyberspace to make electronic transactions more secure and consumer information easier to use--a development that has widespread ramifications. In Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, author Lawrence Lessig argues that if commercial interests have a free hand in determining the Internet's architecture, our rights to privacy, free speech, and the fair use of intellectual property will be weakened. Reviewer Carl Shapiro, a professor at Haas School of Business, calls Code a "tour de force in explaining how the emerging architecture of cyberspace will affect constitutional law." But he finds that Lessig's appeal for political oversight of code making, coupled with his tone of foreboding, lends itself to the sort of excessive intervention that could hobble e-commerce. Shapiro believes market competition will go far to preserve our liberties. For example, cyberspace may evolve in ways that give publishing companies absolute control over the use of their products, challenging the public's right to "fair use" of intellectual property. But companies may find it in their best interest to continue distributing some free content to market their products. As for privacy on the Internet, Shapiro contends that the success of e-commerce companies will depend on their building public trust. Some companies will act irresponsibly, but the market will punish those deviants and then help to enact stricter regulations. As Shapiro sees it, law, code, and markets can work together to protect our rights.
Business and society;Electronic commerce;Intellectual property;Internet;Legal aspects of business;Politics;Right of privacy;Technological change