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商品編號: BH1254 出版日期: 2024/11/14 作者姓名: Axelton, Zhuoli;Chandna, Vallari 商品類別: Finance 商品規格: 11p 再版日期: 地域: 產業: 個案年度: -
With the enactment of the long-awaited U.S. security-based crowdfunding regulations in May 2016, early-stage private companies can utilize regulatory crowdfunding to raise funds on digital platforms via multiple nonaccredited investors. To protect such small microinvestors and maintain market efficiency, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires extensive disclosure information in filings. However, with many ventures being new, small, or lacking in experience, there has been little practical guidance on best practices for navigating such disclosures-particularly to enhance funding prospects. We aim to address this gap by focusing on two crucial aspects of disclosures: financial reporting and the disclosure narrative. We draw on extant research in the field and outline the best disclosure practices for potential regulatory crowdfunding issuers based on signaling theory and institutional theory. Our recommendations offer a simple but practical guide to SEC financial reporting and disclosures for successful regulatory crowdfunding.
Entrepreneurial finance;Finance and investing