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商品編號: 99505 出版日期: 1999/09/01 作者姓名: Levy, Frank 商品類別: Business & Government Relations 商品規格: 5p 再版日期: 地域: 產業: 個案年度: -
What's the verdict on the U.S. economy's greater reliance on free markets in recent decades? The data alone won't give us easy answers. As economist Frank Levy points out, the numbers on economic well-being are so diverse that analysts can usually find support for their points of view. Two new books are cases in point. Myths of Rich & Poor, by W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, is written with supply-side optimism and a combative faith in laissez-faire. It says deregulation and freer trade have created a rising tide of prosperity that is carrying most people with it. The State of Working America 1998-99, by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and John Schmitt, argues that productivity and average income are barely growing, wages of less-educated workers have declined sharply, and inequality has increased drastically. Levy says both books have considerable merit. Myths tells an engaging story of technological dynamism and progress, while Working America shows that the economy is generating benefits very unequally. But, he claims, both books suffer from their authors' tendency to promote a positive or negative view of the current economy at the expense of contrary data. A full picture must incorporate elements from each book, along with other key ideas--especially how advances in technology have led to higher and more intractable inequality. It must also take note of the political consequences of great inequality. If a growing number of citizens feel that they're left out of the American dream of advancement, the government may return to heavy regulation.
Business and society;Business government relations;Deregulation;Economic conditions;Economic policy;Government policy;Social issues