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商品編號: 97102 出版日期: 1997/01/01 作者姓名: Garten, Jeffrey E. 商品類別: Business & Government Relations 商品規格: 5p 再版日期: 地域: 產業: 個案年度: -
Free-market philosophy has triumphed in almost every corner of the globe since the end of the Cold War, creating pockets of prosperity from Shanghai to St. Petersburgh. But who controls the world economy? Can it be controlled? And what are the consequences of running global capitalism on automatic pilot? Such questions, which ought to be hotly debated by political and corporate leaders (but rarely are), are at the core of William Grieder's new book, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. In his review, Jeffrey Garten, former U.S. undersecretary of commerce and currently dean of the Yale School of Management, expresses a few reservations about Greider's solutions, but hails One World, Ready or Not as "one of the most stimulating and important books of the decade."
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