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商品編號: 9-PEL-029 出版日期: 2005/09/06 作者姓名: Thomas, David A.;King, Caroline 商品類別: Human resource management 商品規格: 32p 再版日期: 地域: 產業: Education industry;Public school K-12 個案年度: -
Describes ongoing reform efforts in the area of human resources at the School District of Philadelphia. Portrays the challenges and opportunities facing the district's new senior vice-president of human resources, Tomas Hanna, as he attempts to reinvent the district's existing, and primarily "transactional," human resources department into a group that can lead and execute a districtwide human capital management strategy. Provides the opportunity to evaluate Hanna's efforts to date and diagnose critical tasks going forward. May be used with: (9-PEL-009) The Campaign for Human Capital at the School District of Philadelphia.
Change management;Education;Employee retention;Human capital;Human resources management;Leadershipzitromax o augmentin zitromax akne zitromax bivirkninger
Teaching Note, (5-PEL-035), 11p, by David A. Thomas, Caroline King