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商品編號: 9-709-427 出版日期: 2008/10/23 作者姓名: Habiby, Anne S.;Ketels, Christian H.M.;Porter, Michael E.;Zipper, David 商品類別: Competitive strategy 商品規格: 35 min 再版日期: 2009/03/19 地域: New York 產業: 個案年度: 2008 - 2008
Traces the economic development of New York City from its founding in the 17th century through 2008. Focuses on the decisions made by New York City officials, past and present, highlighting the challenges of economic development at the city level. Enables deep examination of the interdependence and interrelation of economic policies at the city, state and federal level, and explores the role of economic and cluster performance through 2005. Detailed historical economic and social data allows for an evaluation of policy results. The case finishes with Mayor Michael Bloomberg facing some difficult choices as economic storm clouds gather on the horizon in early 2008.
Clusters;Collaboration;Economic growth;Economic planning;Government