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商品編號: 9-708-421 出版日期: 2007/12/07 作者姓名: Ketels, Christian;Porter, Michael E. 商品類別: Competitive strategy 商品規格: 37p 再版日期: 2009/04/29 地域: 產業: 個案年度: 1945 - 2004
The case discusses the origins and development of the European Integration process up to 2004, focusing in particular on the Lisbon Agenda for upgrading Europe's competitiveness. It discusses the different policy areas that have been approached at the European level over time, and provides background on the architecture of European institutions. The case enables students to understand how European integration has affected competitiveness across the continent's regions. It provides a platform to discuss why the Lisbon Agenda has up to 2004 failed to achieve its goals and what European integration experience can serve as a model for other world regions.
Economic development;Government;International relations;National competitiveness