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商品編號: 9-700-106 出版日期: 2000/04/07 作者姓名: Reinhardt, Forest 商品類別: Business & Government Relations 商品規格: 24p 再版日期: 2001/02/28 地域: Global 產業: Energy 個案年度: 1997 - 2000
BP Amoco is the world's third-largest oil firm. Its CEO, Sir John Browne, broke with his industry colleagues in 1997 when he publicly declared that global climate change was a serious problem and pledged BP to play a significant role in the search for solutions. The company has committed itself to voluntary cutbacks of carbon dioxide, the main gas held responsible for global climate change. Browne and his fellow executives believe that their approach makes sense not just from the perspective of social responsibility but from a hardheaded business standpoint. This case provides the information necessary to evaluate this belief.
Business and society;Business government relations;Energy;Environmental protection;Strategy formulationazathioprin cancer azathioprin cancer azathioprin vasculitis