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商品編號: R2404K 出版日期: 2024/07/01 作者姓名: Herzlinger, Regina E.;Rohlen, Duke;Creo, Ben;Kynes, Will 商品類別: Other 商品規格: 4414w 再版日期: 地域: 產業: Healthcare sector 個案年度: -
Too many companies are failing to innovate. One reason, say the authors, is the polarized approach companies take to innovation. At one end of the spectrum, corporate R&D efforts tend to focus on product refreshes and incremental line upgrades that generate modest growth for lower risk. At the other end, venture capitalists favor high-risk "transformational" innovations that seek to upend industries and generate outsize returns. But there''s a better, middle, way. This article presents the growth driver model, a framework that partners corporations with outside investors to identify and develop innovation opportunities, drawing on corporate resources and talent and externally recruited entrepreneurs. The authors illustrate the model with a detailed case study of how it revived innovation at Cordis, a large medical technology device maker.
Entrepreneurship;Innovation;Growth strategy;Strategy;Open innovation